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16:52 GMT         Day 10 of 90, Season 69    

Team Extra Clean TUE announces sponsor

Written by Team Extra Clean TUE at 09:26 28/8-2019

  Team Extra Clean TUE revealed it’s sponsor: The worldwide known brand of Mr. Clean. When asked about the decision of making the deal, manager Fidel Upmann had the following to say: “Mr. Clean symbolizes everything that a great cyclist needs. A clean slate, a white vest and an aerodynamic hair cut! Also, they provide us with free samples to wash our jerseys with. It’s a pretty sweet deal!”


Subscribers: 2

First breakaway victory!

  In the division 7 race Hasyurt – Gökbük, Lonzo Aguilar (one of Team Extra Clean TUE`s many mountain specialists in training) powered to the first breakaway ...


Team Extra Clean TUE announces sponsor

  Team Extra Clean TUE revealed it’s sponsor: The worldwide known brand of Mr. Clean. When asked about the decision of making the deal, manager Fidel Upmann had...


Incremental gains

  Finally, the shroud of silence surrounding the new cycling sensation, the Cuban Team Extra Clean TUE, has been lifted. At a buzzing press conference in Havanna,...



Team Extra Clean TUE at 01:32 1/9-2019
  Thanks for the flowers, guys! Maybe I will drop the occassional piece on the front page.

Nikoline at 15:07 31/8-2019
  Nice PRs. I am sure you could write some articles for the start-page if you wanted to. You are certainly doing all the "wrong" things in the start with staff, equipment and random training. Most important is to enjoy the game no matter how you play :-)

Team Belfius at 18:38 30/8-2019
  Imagine his bald face on every jersey

Holwerda Cycling at 09:50 28/8-2019
  Good read your PR's :)

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